
Annual subscriptions for 2024 -25 are due. The new Membership Secretary is Isla Kay ( You can download an application form here (link) which has details of payment methods.

Membership categories are  : Life : Ordinary : Associate : Shetland Student

Life and Ordinary members consist of natives of Shetland and those connected to Shetland by descent, marriage or residence and have full voting rights and qualify for election to the Council.

Associate members do not fall into the above category, and have no voting rights and are ineligible for election to the Council, but are very welcome.

Application for Membership should be made to the Association Secretary (John Mouat, see Contacts), who submits it to the Council for approval or otherwise by a simple majority.

Annual Subscriptions - payable to Membership Secretary (details on the form)

Ordinary & Associate Member - £8

Life Member - £50

Shetland Students studying in Edinburgh - Free !

New and Associate Members are always very welcome.