Programme of Events 2024-25

Edinburgh & District Shetland Association (EDSA) Events

See also the President's Autumn (2024) Newsletter (link in the header of our Home page)

Note: The Lauriston Hall does not have a bar, so it is BYOB for any event there. Tickets for events can be purchased on line at the Eventbrite link.

Charity Dance - Saturday 16th November 2024 (Lauriston Hall, 28 Lauriston Street) 18:30 - 23:00

The first event of the 2024/25 season kicks off with a charity ceilidh dance (with a raffle to raise funds for the Shetland "Dogs Against Drugs" society - donations of prizes will be welcome). Dance to music by the Clappy-Doo Ceilidh band. BYOB (no bar). Supper (stovies) will be provided. 

The Christmas Lunch (for "senior members") will be on Wednesday 27th November 2024, again at Howies Restaurant at Waterloo Place where it was held last year. please email secretary John Mouat ( by November 6th if you want to come so that catering numbers can be given to the restaurant. On the day, please arrive to be seated before 12 noon when service will start.

Up-Helly-AA dance - Saturday 15th February 2025 (Lauriston Hall, 28 Lauriston Street) - 19:00 to 23:00

Dance to Ian MacPhail and his band. Tickets will become available on line nearer the time. Now is the time to plan your squads - and guizers are free. If you are bringing a squad, please email secretary John Mouat ( to let us know. We are looking for as many squads as possible.

The Spring Fling will be held in the Lauriston Hall on Saturday April 26th. Since this event used to be hosted in rotation also by the Orkney and Caithness Associations, previous members of those associations are especially welcome.

After a successful introduction of a Summer Gadderie to the syllabus in 2024, it is back by popular demand and will be held on Saturday 7th June 2025.


Informal EDSA gadderies:

The EDSA Wednesday Afternoon Social Club has resumed meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Vaila Irvine is offering use of the Residents' Lounge in Homecairn House (where she now resides) at 2 Goldenacre Terrace (Buses to Inverleith Row – nos. 8, 9, 23 and 27). 

The Wednesday Afternoon Club plans to meet at Homecairn House, 2 Goldenacre Terrace from 2pm -4pm on Wednesdays, monthly..

They plan to have the first meeting for 2025 on Wednesday 5th February, then on Wednesday 5th March and finally on Wednesday 2nd April. All meetings are from 2 - 4 pm. 

Please pass on this news; all members and friends are welcome to come along for a sheeks and to enjoy Sandra and Margaret’s delicious Afternoon Teas

A bunch o Shetland blokes (Da Conan Doyle Kring?) meet fur a pub lunch at 12 noon in The Conan Doyle (Leith Walk end o Queen Street) on the first (or sometimes second) Fridays o da mont - contact Malcolm Linklater if you want ta be notified o dates.

Edinburgh Shetland Fiddlers meet in The Diggers, Angle Park Terrace at 7:30 pm on the first and third Sundays of each month 

Annual Subscriptions are now due - see Membership. Ordinary & Associate members £8, Shetland students free, Life Member £50.